What a year!

Wow. It’s been over a year since I posted here. So much has happened that I’m not even sure I can type it all out… First, I guess I should apologise for the radio silence. If you follow me on…

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It’s Been A While…

I know I’ve been kinda MIA for a bit. I was having a 4 week vacation. In that trip, I became a grandma! Just look at this precious lol gal! First photo… she was ready to go! Second photo… not…

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Have any of you guys done Karaoke? My mom got me into it somewhat recently, and I think I have become obsessed haha! I recorded myself and then played it back. You never realize how much different you sound when…

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Trip to Bucharest

We took a trip to Bucharest from Sunday to Tuesday. Finally got around to taking the photos off of the SD card of my camera. It is a very busy city. Sooooo many people. I was expecting more “attractions” from…

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It’s been a while…

There was a bit of a problem with the site, recently. It was just completely broken – out of the blue, even. It took me forever to figure out what the error was… and now that I found it, here we are again! A post turned up missing, but that’s ok. I will just add it here.

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