Down Time

I am just making a little post here to let you all know I haven’t dropped off the planet. It has been a while since I did much in the way of creativity. The world events have sucked the motivation…

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Hand Care

No matter what your art or craft, it is always a good idea to take care of your hands. I bet you didn’t know that actually meant you need to regularly exercise them, too. I found a really good video…

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Just Art

I wrote this out on a social media post about 5 years ago, but it is worth restating every single time I can remember. The worst thing you can ever tell an artist: “It’s just a drawing/picture/painting/doodle…” This is the…

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10 Things…

I know a lot of you have been seeing memes like this running around social medias… but has anyone ever stopped to tell you why these things are offensive? I guess now is the time. Buckle up. This is a…

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20 Questions

This is a “self interview” which I saw as a challenge on a popular social media. I figured I would also take part.

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