Please take a moment to vote on website! It isn’t a requirement, but it certainly is fun to collect the awards.
Just click on the “thumbs up” for your vote to count! You must wait 24 hours between votes.
1Award has become unreliable since the year has started rolling over in the middle of the year. This leaves us little choice but to implement our own voting system. From now on, there will no longer be a need to visit an outside website to vote!
This means we will also have our own awards! They will be much more obtainable with a little lower standards since we are actually a small group of people. I think 2000 is a fair reach for the year if we all buckle down 😉
100 – Copper
200 – Pewter
300 – Bronze
500 – Silver
1000 – Gold
2000 – Platinum
ReneKunertArt now has 25 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 24 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 3 votes!