Leather and Flannel

Photo submission reference from Cindy Braeckman. Since summer is in full swing, it took me about 5 hours over the course of 10 days.  I think that is the longest it has ever taken me to complete a portrait… LOL If…

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In Awe

Photo submission reference from Callie Faye Lips.  The look of curiosity on children’s faces is one of the coolest things in the world.  Still so open-minded about everything. If you’d like a photo to be drawn and included in the…

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Reaper [Draw this Again]

I drew this reaper about 10ish years ago.  I have seen several people using this drawing in their compilation videos and stuff, so if you’ve seen it running around, yep, it’s mine. I wanted to include it in the book…

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Reference is a photo from a member on deviantART and Facebook. I had to wing most of it, because I forgot to take my reference photo with me… This drawing is pending for inclusion in the book. It may find…

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Reference is a photo of the lovely Alyx taken by Len Kaltman. Looks like I am maybe over that dry spell, finally! It’s good to be back in the saddle ? If you’d like a photo to be drawn and…

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