Give Me One Reason

Time: About 8 hours, collective.
Size: A4


Schoellershammer 4R paper
Faber-Castell and Boesner pencils
Lyra graphite sticks
Kneaded Eraser
Electric Eraser
Various Brushes

I am a metalhead by heart! :metal: I love a song that will make your spleen explode! The louder it is, the better. I also love Melodic Death Metal. That you can sing along with, but with the same force.

However… This woman holds a special place in my playlist. When it revolves around to one of her songs, I have to stop what I am doing and actually listen with my whole self. I don’t know what it is…

I have always wanted to draw her portrait, but I wanted to make for damned sure I could actually accomplish it before I even attempted to put the pencil to the paper.

There are a few things I could have done a little better, but here she is!

If you enjoyed this artwork, please consider making a contribution to my Patreon account. And remember, sharing is caring 😉

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