Not-So Wicked Witch

Time: 12 hours
Size: 40 x 60 cm


Schoellershammer 4R paper
Faber-Castell and Boesner pencils
Kneaded Eraser
Electric Eraser
Various Brushes
Tissue/Paper Towel
Charcoal mixed into graphite dust for background texture.

Freya to the rescue again! I just love working with her. She has the best cosplays and makeup ever! This certainly isn’t the first time, and damn sure won’t be the last, that I have drawn one of her photos.

During the streams that I worked on this artwork, I also gave a few sneak peeks at some upcoming stuff! If you’d like to get the inside scoop on some of the things I work on outside of these artworks, come drop by and ask me a crap ton of questions. I am always up for some random chatter.

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