Summer News

Most of you know now that we are moving to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia this summer.

This week will be the end of our internet connection and phone contract here in Tallinn. This means I won’t be online much until after we get to Bonn for vacation. I will be able to give updates of the move at random times, I am sure.

More information to come on that in early August.

I am hoping to be back to the regular posting in August. It may be a little late since we will be getting settled in for the first couple of weeks. If things aren’t situated in time, I will certainly let you all know as soon as I can. Keep your fingers crossed that the postal service is somewhat decent…

And of course, photos will be a’plenty after we get to roaming around the city over there, so be prepared  :jump: 

Hope everyone has a great summer!

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