Winter is my favorite time of year! As if you didn’t already know that… haha ?
We went out today to grab some photos and the blizzard began! It snowed the whole time we were out! It is hard to capture good photos while it is snowing, but I did my best. The cloud cover and the low visibility made for an interesting effect, though, so I am not complaining.
Towards the end, my camera started getting just a little too much moisture for my liking, so I cut the trek short. Out of all the photos I did get, these were the most decent ones.
I really need to learn to adjust the F-Stop before taking bright photos. These have some very obviously high amounts of post-op work done on them — mostly for visibility purposes. One of these days, I will get a perfect shot directly out of the camera LOL!
Looking forward to getting more photos this weekend! Have I mentioned that I love winter? Well, I DO! 😀