
You know those moments where you just can’t help but pinch a cheek?  Yeah, this would be one of those moments!

Photo submission reference from Lynne Ferdinando. This will be going in the art book! If you’d like a photo to be drawn and included in the book, be sure to get your submissions in, too. 

Time: I lost track because of the flu…
Size: Approx A4

Cretacolor and Lyra Pencils
Staedtler Kneaded Eraser
Paebo Kneaded Eraser
Graphite powder + carbon
Electric Eraser
Various Brushes

I used Canson drawing paper this time, but I am not real happy with it. I really need to get some more of my normal paper.

Since I was working through being ill, I didn’t get a video of this piece.  It took me about a week to work on it, about 10-15 minutes at a time.  Hopefully, I have shaken the flu, so now I can keep going with more art!

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